Writing the Imaginal
Writing is an intellectual art form and over-intellectualization can often lead to such struggles as writer’s block or writing that feels unnatural and overwrought. In this class we will leave our egos at the door and call on the subconscious, the emotional body and energetic space to generate fresh writing and revelations. Students will be guided in relaxed theta states using creative visualization. From this place, we will draw on divination, dreams, imagery and archetypes to explore deeper realms of creativity. We will also discuss ways in which rituals can be used to enhance our writing practice and explore physical embodiment methods that will add more depth to our language. Students will depart class with new writing, inspiration and techniques. This workshop is for writers of all genres and at all levels.
Curriculum Overview
Unit I: Introduction and Grounding Meditation
Unit II: Writing Rituals
Rituals around writing signal your subconscious that the writing ritual has begun. In this video we look at examples of writing rituals and how to use them.
Unit III: Writing Blocks and EFT
This lesson will suggest ways to get creative juices flowing at the start of practice if you are feeling stuck.
Unit IV: Divination
In this lesson we consider how we can use divination to channel the muse.
Unit V: Dreamwork
Dreams are an entryway into the deeper states of your subconscious and therefore the land where your muse loves to dwell.
Unit VI: Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a hypnagogic state of consciousness practiced in savasana (corpse pose) and occurs between waking and dreaming, while remaining embodied and aware.
Unit VII: Bonus Materials
Includes documents on creating a writing altar and intentions for your writing, as well as the course PowerPoint and a Spotify playlist

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